50% Pesticide Reduction is Possible!
In the interviews below, eight conventional farmers across France tell how integrated pest management has helped them to reduce pesticide use by 50% while staying economically viable.(available to watch with English subtitles). As part of the French eco- phyto plan to reduce pesticide use by 50% by 2025, this group of farmers has been working together as a pilot group to reduce pesticide use by 50% which has been already reached in 2010. They are a very
heterogeneous group of farmers: as they are nei- ther producing the same nor farming in geographical proximity, coming from different parts of the region of Eure in France. However, by working as a group, advised and inspired by Bertrand Omon, they have found the inspiration to work together towards the goal of reducing pesticide dependency. These are the stories of commitment and determination to change the conventional agriculture as we know today.

Overcoming Market
and Technical Obstacles to Alternative Pest
Management in Arable
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